Strong Words From James

Because it is time-change Sunday, we all got an extra hour before church this morning.  We may have spent that extra hour catching up on our beauty sleep or we may have used it as a chance to get ready for church at a more leisurely pace then usual.  However we used that extra hour, we eventually got here to join our hearts and lift our voices congregational worship and praise to God.  Then, the choir, orchestra and our other talented accompanists presented a song that I have enjoyed singing for several years, "The Lord Is The Strength Of My Life".  We did a little more congregational singing, then Pastor Wes took us into the fourth chapter of James for some very strong words about how we as a church body should treat each other regarding the pursuit of our own selfish desires and how we behave when we don't get what we want, when we want it and the way we want it.  When it isn't a matter of salvation, we can disagree, but there is a way to handle things in a way that will not damage our influence or outreach to a world that is watching us from outside our walls.  Pastor Wes presented  a much fuller picture in the Live-stream and it would be worth your time to watch it......and he's just getting started!  More to come from James next week!

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