Views of my world

By rosamund


Every Night Is Followed By Sunrise

The cacophony of birdsong this morning encouraged me to get out of bed in time to capture the sunrise. A quick glance behind the curtains confirmed that conditions were favourable so I found myself heading for my usual spot on the Esplanade.

As I turned in at the west end I noticed the slipway from the Royal West of Scotland boat club leading to the shore and since the tide was out I made the most of this new vantage point.

There's a funny story in our house about the day after Noah first got his fishing rod a few years back, it was Boxing Day, the weather was miserable, visibility was rubbish and in a vain attempt to engage someone's interest in a fishing trip Noah declared from the living room window "oh look, I see a fish jumping out the water!" It was a good attempt but from our position up on the hill he would have needed some serious binoculars (or alternative monocular device but that's another story) to see a fish jump out the water and it seemed a ridiculous proposition in any case.

However, standing on the slipway in front of the now defunct HMS Dalriada I actually saw a fish jump out the water!!! At first I was amazed, then I laughed, just wait til I tell Noah! It was so fast there was no chance of a photo and I wonder if I'll be subjected to the same "yeah, right, sure you saw a fish jump out the water sweetie" treatment as poor Noah has been subjected to these past 3 years. The only difference is I actually did see a fish jump out the water! Really!

It's going to be a gorgeous day fellow blippers, have a great Friday!

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