Long-Awaited Blipmeet!

No matter how much you may think you know about someone you follow on Blipfoto, there is nothing like meeting them in person to cement the online relationship.

This evening Phil and I had the great pleasure of hosting an informal supper for longtime friends Edinburgh blipper Lady Findhorn (left front) and His Lordship (right front), and northern California blipper Berkleyblipper (next to LF) and Oilman (next to BB). We all had a great time comparing notes on our earlier years, our homes, our careers, our past travels, our future travels, and much more.

The conversation flowed freely, as did the wine, and despite the rather empty plates visible here, there was more food not yet on the table when I realized that I needed to snap a couple of photos in order to have a blip for today.

Here's what we ate and imbibed:

Alaskan wild sockeye salmon, lox and smoked, from the Community Food Co-op, Bellingham, Whatcom County

Quartet of cheeses from Samish Bay Cheese, Bow, Skagit County: Ladysmith (fresh cheese), Ladysmith with chives, Gouda with nettles, Mont Blanchard Cheddar

Breads from BreadFarm, Edison, Skagit County: Black olive baguette, Bow Hill baguette, stoneground wheat crackers

Butter from Breckenridge Farm, Everson, Whatcom County

Roasted asparagus -- Washington state, from the Community Food Co-op

Emmer wheat with kale pesto -- emmer wheat from Bluebird Grain Farm (Winthrop, Okanogan County, eastern Washington), kale from Terra Verde Garden, Bellingham

Orange-roasted rhubarb -- rhubarb from Alm Hill Gardens, Everson, Whatcom County

Mixed berries -- blueberries, raspberries (various sources, 2012 crop, Whatcom County)

Honey yogurt from Golden Glen Creamery, Bow, Skagit County
Heavy cream from Twin Brook Farm, Lynden, Whatcom County

Spiced caramels from Ciao Thyme, Bellingham, Whatcom County
Dark and milk chocolates from Chocolate Necessities, Bellingham, Whatcom County
Cocoa nib shortbread cookies from Breadfarm, Edison, Skagit County

White wine: Lost River 2011 Pinot Gris (Lost River Winery, Winthrop, Okanogan County, eastern Washington); Mount Baker 2011 Siegerrebe and Madeleine Angevine (Mount Baker Winery, Everson, Whatcom County)

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