Some Days

By Euphemist

North Pier, Blackpool

Early evening in Blackpool following a disappointing brass band contest at the Winter Gardens.

Rather than stay with the band after the result, with the traditional analysis of the adjudicators written remarks, apportioning of blame, and gnashing of teeth at the injustice of it all, I went for a quiet walk on the beach to gather my thoughts.


It is very disappointing to have played so well after the many hours of rehearsal and home practice to then be passed over in favour of other bands. I know it is the nature of competition that there must be winners and losers, but it is still hard to be one of the losers when you have every expectation of being one of the winners!

Following this bracing walk on the bright windy beach I went back to the hotel and spent the rest of the evening and into the night taking liquid anaesthetic for the emotional trauma!

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