
By JudeL

Pete's Pigeon

This Pylon is at the end of our drive. The cables run over the garden of my neighbour and I am sure that you will all have seen hundreds of birds sitting on cables like this. I lost count one evening when I reached 130 plus - they just will not stay still for long enough!

Pete's house is under the line and at certain times his conservatory roof becomes opaque - he gets particularly incensed towards autumn when the hedgerows are full of berries and his glass roof turns purple.

Someone told Pete that birds of prey would scare the pigeons away so he paid to have this flying bird fixed to the top of the pylon.

Was it a success?

Of course not although some of the local wood pigeons do seem to have fallen in love with the mighty bird and people passing by have been seen standing open mouthed as they try to work out what they are seeing.

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