
By wildinlailand

Green Veined White

Right outside our office is a small diverse wildflower meadow. I've blipped some of the images of it previously over the years. This year there are a few more English bluebells. The numbers are slowly multiplying in the shadier parts. I noted this Green Veined white hanging on in the cool morning breeze very torpid and easy to frame and shoot. The meadow has a great diversity of plants and has great colour and interest throughout the flowering season. I was listening to Sir David Attenborough on R4 this morning talking about the State of Nature report highlighting the plight of British Wildlife that is in some cases being squeezed to brink of extinction in the UK. It can be all a bit depressing but I work for an organisation that leads the fight on all fronts to protect and conserve what we've got for future generations and there are some great dedicated people doing some great work with limited resources. If you think that you as an individual can't doing any thing to redress this decline then if you have a few quid to spare join one of many conservation charities and let them do it on your behalf. Believe me it is money well spent.

I am currently trying to capture a fix point photography timeline of then meadow to string together into a timelapse video. It is quite time consuming. to create a 10 second video you need 240 images that is at least two shots a day over 6-7 months and the images need to taken from the same position and reference the same point each time. Ideally you would leave a camera in position but that is not practical so my old tripod at a fixed height, three spots of white paint on the ground and a spot of white paint on a manhole cover as a reference to line up with the focusing grid on the camera display are doing the job. So far results are not too bad even though I have managed a little over 2secs of footage. By the end of summer I'll post a link to the finished video.

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