The Nebra Sky Disc

The theme for MM is the cosmos (thanks jensphotos) and you don't get much more cosmic than this - sadly not a photo of the real thing but a photo of a photo from the British Museum catalogue for their exhibition The World of Stonehenge -the closest we managed to get to it.This apparently is the oldest depiction of cosmic phenomena in the world, and it dates from around 1600BCE. 
It was found in east Germany by some illegal metal detecting in 1999 and was part of a hoard including two axe heads, two armlets and a chisel!
The cosmic shapes, taken to be a crescent moon and and sun or possibly full moon are accompanied by little dots believed to be the stars, The little cluster are reckoned to be the Pleiades. Today the disc is a delicious verdigris colour but originally it would have been deep black, the cosmic shapes executed in gold leaf. It is a fabulous and very cosmic thing and I would like to see it.
A wild day here - sunshine, gales, torrential rain and hail. We had coffee and lemon drizzle cakes with friends this morning and later I took a gentle bimble around the circuit not quite up to yomping yet and got totally drenched and battered by the hail. 

Under the same sky

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