
Up relatively early this morning to have breakfast with Tom and Jon before they each headed home.  Kelly and I set out a little later in the morning to Bledlow.  Parked in the pub there (the Lions of Bledlow), and walked up the lane to find the cottage we stayed in as teenagers (nearly 30 years ago).  It was an unexpectedly lovely day - not at all what had been forecast - so a very beautiful walk.  We paused at this gate to take in the view of the Oxfordshire countryside.  Found Warren Cottage, which has been completely rebuilt and looks a whole lot more fancy than the old wood cabin that we had stayed in.  Carried on a little further along the lane, then back to the pub for a cup of tea.

Kelly had an old photo of a load of the Warren Cottage gang that was taken in the pub, and was determined to work out where exactly it had been taken.  Cue talking to lots of people in there (and me being a bit embarrassed), but ultimately working it out and meeting some very friendly folk!

We drove to Oxford after that and had a good wander around the city, and lunch in The Vaults, near Bodleian Library.  Then a bit more of a wander, but I was dying on my feet, so we found a cafe for a restorative coffee and cake ;)

Back to the hotel after that.  We picked up some bits and pieces for dinner in the Co Op downstairs, had a bit of a rest in our rooms for a while, then convened in Kelly's to eat dinner together.  I was back to my room by 10pm, for a phone call to Tim and then a damn good sleep.

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