Walk and talk

One way or another, I have known a number of business coaches, and on balance, I'd say that there's a lot of snake oil in that business. But I do have a friend, Angela, who lives in London and who I think is a genuinely good business coach, and that's probably because she's a counsellor in disguise.

I find what she does interesting, and I'll often talk to her about it, and the last time I saw her, she was saying that when possible, she likes to go for a walk with her clients. She says they relax, open up a bit more, and so the sessions are better.

Today, I had two school meetings, and for the first one I suggested that my colleague, Steve, and I should take a walk out along Barbondale. As it turned out, it was a beautiful day for it, and we had a really productive discussion.

Incidentally, I know I've posted many variants of this photo over the years, so for balance, my Extra is one taken from the other side of the beck, looking in the same direction.

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