A promise!!

I had been looking for a climbing rose for a difficult area of the garden. The greater the choice of roses, the greater indecision!!

Problem solved when I saw GingerNan's blip. The perfect rose for my fence, so a trawl on the internet (GingerNan is in New Zealand) to see if I could get a plant at this time of year. This one arrived in a box without a leaf being blemished!!

This blip is not the most inspiring picture, but I want to record the initial planting, in a pot to get it started before it moves to its planned home at the back of the flower bed in the autumn.

The weather has been beautiful today and I've spent hours tidying up and planting out. More to do tomorrow so think I will need something to ease the aches tonight to get me moving in the morning!!

I found a second flush of flowers on the hellebores. They have more than earned their place this extended winter.

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