
It hammered down with rain this morning.
I caught up with my sister on the phone and then decided to look for stuff.
Since moving in I have regularly been looking for things. Today it was the turn of K’s address in advance of her birthday. I can visualise exactly where it was in the old place but haven’t a clue where it is now,
I never did find it but as I was scratting around I ended up organising cd’s and was listening to this as I rummaged …
I also came across a cd of G’s spoken voice and then came across the dead people’s purse and wallet drawer…mum’s old purse, P’s and G’s wallets. I guess I must have checked them before but as I looked in G’s I found this tissue thin letter written by his dad recovering from being wounded in the trenches. I’m not sure but if memory serves me right I’m sure G said he fought at Mons. I just cried as I read it .. for him, for all of them, and for G who lost his dad so young and who had kept this letter carefully folded in his wallet.
P’s wallet had 25 quid in it in old money and his Steroid treatment card. 
Time to put it all back in the drawer.
A change of tempo and Ravi Shankar and Philip Glass next as I prepared supper for my friend and her husband…cod loins baked in yogurt, ras al hanout and turmeric; cauliflower baked with coconut milk, peanut butter, garlic, turmeric; and sprouting broccoli with a tahini dressing … and some butternut squash and lime pickle rice. It was too much flavour really for one plate but I enjoyed preparing it. C made a lovely crumble for afters.
I wish P was here, he would have so loved the evening.

‘There is a comfort in the strength of love;
'Twill make a thing endurable, which else 
Would overset the brain, or break the heart.’

[extract from Worrdworth’s poem, Michael]

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