Horseshoe Falls

It looked like a lovely morning and I was determined to get out there before another shower decided to come through. I drove to New Bridge on Dartmoor and took a walk along the bank of the River Dart to Horseshoe Falls. The woods were looking lovely with their fresh green leaves and there were lots of bluebells. No carpets of them, they were fighting for space through the other undergrowth but still lovely to see. 

It looked like plenty of water was coming down the river following the recent rainy weather. I sat on a rock at the riverside and composed my shots using different exposures. I think the one I've selected was a 1 second exposure and I love the way a little dappled light is coming through the canopy.

This afternoon we picked up a load of boxes from someone who's recently moved into the village and took them over to Phoebe for their forthcoming move. They shouldn't be short of boxes now, there's probably twice as many as they need!

As it turned out there were no showers (not yet anyway).

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