
By Blanchmange

Red letter day

I was cleaning out my rabbits cages this morning, which is something I don't need to do so often anymore because they are very well trained and use a litter tray for everything - which just gets emptied every few days. Anyway, I decided to try to let them run together, as I hadn't tried it for a while. Nutmeg had always been aggressive and tried to rip lumps out of Mr Wenlock. But today there was no aggression, no fighting, just occasional humping by Mr Wenlock. Maybe Nutmeg realised it was pointless being aggressive to a bunny who was the size of a fat General Woundwort!

So when I was weeding the front garden in the afternoon I came across a wonderfully huge dandelion and instantly knew of 2 lovely bunnies who would enjoy it.

So this is Nutmeg in her clean cage with the dandelion leaves (all gone now).

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