Get well soon

Hi everyone!

Today has been absolutely horrific. I'm gonna go into detail, so don't read if you're really squeamish.

I woke up at 3:15AM with a really sore stomach. Eventually, I had to go to the bathroom. I was really hoping I would avoid it, but I've caught the bug that everyone else has had. I was sitting for over an hour in pain before everything finally 'came out', but it wasn't done there. Oh no. For the next 9 hours, my stomach was extremely sore, I threw up quite a bit, and I couldn't physically stand, I was so drained. After a nap on the bathroom floor, I feel ok now, but I still can't walk far without feeling sick.

A knock on effect of that was that I couldn't sit my computing exam. My mum had to phone the school, then the doctors to get a medical certificate. I'm not re-sitting the exam - they're going to base it on some of my past results, so hopefully that'll be ok.

And finally, this is something that Bianka made for me. Maybe not the best thing, considering I probably can't eat any, but it as a nice gesture!

Right, I'm gonna leave it there, as I'm absolutely shattered. I'll catch up with you all tomorrow.

Have a good Wednesday!

Steven :)

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