
By MamaOfBoys

My manatea

Isn't he cute? My husband bought him for me the other day online and he arrived today!. I have a thing for funky tea infusers i did an entry for Mr Tea (love Mr Tea) a while back. Every time i make tea with my manatea i feel to need to make a seal like 'rawr' noise.
My next funky tea infuser i plan to get is the 'teatanic'.

Its been a while since i've blipped, i've been a busy mama.

I'm now 28 weeks pregnant and suddenly things on the floor are hard to pick up and its tiring work to put my shoes on. I look like I've swallowed a small country and i waddle. I'm bigger this pregnancy than the last, i know this because my belly button has popped out which it didn't do last time. I am getting pretty excited to meet our new wee man though, i have everything set up and we have all the essentials. I've been really lucky and am grateful to receive a lot of baby and maternity gear from 3 different friends, ones that have said "no more babies for me".

My two boys are good... well as good as two little boys can be. My hubby and i have been trying to do some fun things with them in the weekends and have fun family time every day. I think its important, especially before baby arrives to spend some quality time with them, we still will daily but the fun outings will decrease a bit.

I bought buckaroo for them today, so after dinner they sat with dadda and played it while i cleaned up and made waffles for dessert.

Its winter here and it sure has started with a bang, its been snowing a bit here today and its freezing. I'm 50/50 on the snow, i like it and its fun for the kids but at the same time its cold and its gets boring pretty quickly especially if the boys want me and hubby to go build a snowman or play in the snow every ten minutes.Last year Andre broke his arm going over black ice so i'm a little less excited by it, all i think of is "DANGER" now. I'm more of a summer time person who isn't really?

Off to watch my tivo'd episode of castle but will blip again soon!

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