Mono Monday: Week 488 ...

... Challenge yourself ... or out of your comfort zone.

With today being Memorial Day here in the States it's R's final day off for this long weekend.  He spent the morning gardening as that's his passion.

And then after lunch we headed out for a walk.  We ended up at Hugh Moore Park ... surprised (and happy) that it wasn't as crowded as we anticipated.   There is a canal that runs through this park and they offer canal boat rides ... pulled by mules just like the olden days. 

Luckily for us the mules were out in their stable yard.  This one was right up against the fence.  We spent some time here whilst I photographed him ... which was a challenge all in itself as he was very dark in coloring.  If you look closely you will see us both being reflected in his eye.  I don't do selfies all that much as they are a bit out of my comfort zone these days!  But I couldn't resist posting this one.  Every time I look at the photo it makes me smile.  I hope you like it, too.  Please have a look full screen.

Thanks to ApolloFly (Philippa) for doing a great job hosting Mono Monday all this month.  

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