Orla and the Lion

"I've been waiting to come to this place!" Orla exclaimed when she realised we were in Trafalgar Square. She has such fun here, running around and giving me heart attacks clambouring up on the fountains. We were at the V&A today and met up with an old friend of mine from uni and her son. We had a really lovely time. Young Joseph was quite the genial host. He took charge of deciding which bits of the museum we should see, and a great job he did too. Orla's favourite bit though was the fountain in the courtyard. You can paddle in it, which I let her do as it was such a lovely day. All was fine until I told her it was time to leave and in her desperation to get a few minutes more paddling, she fell over and soaked herself. Fortunately today I had had the prescience to bring a change of clothes for her as well as Conor (he was an absolute angel again today, and makes so many people smile. It's really lovely). We met up with Ed after work and had some dinner out, then came our visit to Trafalgar Square. A little bit of consternation on the way home as there was a bit of a problem on the DLR, but it didn't delay us too much. We're all tired out now!

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