
By Cully

New faces, old faces and fortune cookies

After a lovely day around Plymouth Barbican, we all piled round my Auntie and Uncles for a chinese dinner, alfresco, tonight. It was great to see everyone and my god how my cousins have grown, especially the boys, Karl is now 6 ft 3! Unfortunately I didn't inherit the tall gene.

My two 40 plus cousins both drunk on Lambrini (classy) congratulated our engagement and went on to insisting on being my bridemaids, going as far as taking the boy hostage in the kitchen and digging out old photos of previous bridesmaid dresses to see if they would still fit in them. I didn't crack, so they are going to buy matching purple dresses from a charity shop and walked down the aisle whether I like it or not. Their invites may get lost in the post!

My blip today was a toss up between the girls pic and the boys picture. Purely based on numbers the boys won this time.

A great evening was had by all, and great to meet the new girlfriends too, I really shouldn't leave it another 10 years before visiting again. I am hoping they will all pile in a minibus and come to the wedding of 2014, just preferably not in Bridesmaid dresses!

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