From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Too much information?

Well today was a funny day! It wasn't bad as Mondays go. It was dreary and raining as I trudged to McDonalds. It was even more dreary than usual in there today. There was a queue of four people even though there should absolutely never be a queue at 6:45 in the morning and the zombie behind the counter was going around even more slowly than normal, watching the customers through heavy lidded eyes. I collected my tea and slunk to a corner after ten minutes. I tweeted whilst there that Solihull McDonalds ought to have a sign outside saying 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' and within a few seconds one of my regular people tweeted back 'Oh dear! My son works there!' I was horrified and looked towards Zombie Boy. It transpired that the lady's son was currently in Ibiza and didn't usually 'work the floor'. Phew! Trust me to put my foot in it!

The day went pretty well and I made a bit of a breakthrough with a messy function I am writing. Nuzhat and I went back to McDonalds for lunch and then we went round the outdoor shops again and I looked at boots.

The sun was shining when I left work so I decided to walk down the canal. I sat on a little ledge to watch the world go by (quite a few barges, dogs, runners and cyclists passed by today) and I had a lovely long phone chat in the sunshine staring into the waters and admiring the reflections. Heavenly!

I walked on a lot further after that towards Knowle but I must admit, the towpath gets horribly narrow at a couple of parts and not being a swimmer, I was a bit worried sidling by where the bushes were very overgrown. I won't walk down that bit again! I prefer heading towards Brum.

It was only when I was stood in the kitchen later that I realised I must have been stung by something on my right bum cheek when I'd sat on that little ledge as I was surrounded by little creatures, one of which clearly had BIG teeth! I hope it's not fatal! Don't all shout at once with offers of help! So, I have a right boot that squeaks horrendously, a recovering right big toe from dropping suet cakes on it and now a sore right bum cheek! What next I wonder?

Track? How about some AC/DC for a change?! - A Touch Too Much

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