Boomtown China

By KevinIMitton

Delays, delays and delays

No visit to China is complete without the obligatory flight delay. This time only a three hour delay one hour of which was spent in the plane while it was sitting on the Tarmac with minimal air conditioning while waiting to fly to Shanghai on business.

Doesn't seem to matter which airline you fly this time it was China Eastern they seem to ne subject to whims of clearly seems to be disorganised air traffic control. I was told the reason my flight being delayed was the crew were late in and needed to take a rest. I won't argue with that! One thing we don't want is a sleepy pilot, is it now?

Maybe this is where China and Britain could work together for mutual benefit. Chinese trains run roughly on time and in my experience flights in the UK leave roughly on time. Now there's an opportunity.

Added 21 June
Flight delays are so much of a feature of modern China, I've since been advised by a Chinese colleague that I should download a smart phone app which gives historic data on the average delay time of each flight.

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