Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

Suited and booted

A quick trip to campus to sort out some stuff, and then back to get ready for Societies Awards!

Not realising my suit's trousers were not hemmed meant I had to do a last-minute-shitty-but-alright-job at it, and it took bloody ages. I managed to forget my ticket, but thankfully they had a guest list.

The exec from the last two periods attended, and since I was one of them, this shot's credit goes to Aimee.
Eve is unfortunately missing from the shot, and it's really sad she wasn't around.

Rather unfortunately, PhotoSoc did not even make it to the shortlist. It was still a really fun evening nonetheless! Regardless of awards, PhotoSoc is the highlight of my time at Warwick, everyone in the exec got along really well and it just made it a really incredible experience. Love you all guys!

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