
By ThisOldHouse


Here's another attempt at wild life photography (cough!). A small colony of wasps is nesting just inside the old byre. By small, we mean we haven't counted more than three at any one time, although we suspect there are more inside! Had there been more movement we would have been reluctant to get this close! These two seemed to be creating another layer of papier-maché - edging slowly along the new, outer top rim. Are they expanding the nest for larger numbers, perhaps, or intent on creating a new envelope instead of simply repairing the holes in the existing one? Hmmm! 'Fraid we don't know enough about wasps to provide an answer. We tried a few shots, none of which was particularly good, but picked this one simply because we managed to get two in the same shot, hoping that the more blurred insect provides a bit of 'action shot' drama. Then again, perhaps not.

The bird netting to protect our strawberries arrived this afternoon. It's good stuff - much more substantial than they sell at any of our local garden centres and, at 10m x 4m, big enough for what we need. Later we headed off to our local timber merchant for some battens to hold the cloche hoops together and installed them with the aid of deck screws. It was really simple and the internet solution seems to have come together nicely - we'd recommend it!

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