
By TimG


I enjoyed shooting a whole dandelion clock for last week's Tiny Tuesday, so I thought I'd give it another go – but closer in this time.

I actually got through five flowers before I was able to get this – the first were denuded by the breeze before I even got them home, so I ventured up the road with a Tupperware box to get the next batch home safely. Plucking the little heads out gently was the next challenge and I managed to ruin the next two by spraying water on them a little too fiercely.

But ... we got there in the end. I suppose I should put in some meaningful quote about perseverance here, but I'm not going to. 

Oh – there's a bonus daisy in extras as it was so spring-like today. 20 degrees on the patio, no less :)

Thanks to Jill for hosting!

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