
By TonyG


May is the month when the grassland along the shore here turns pink with the myriad flowers of Armeria maritima, aka Thrift.   They're just coming into flower now, the best display will be in the next couple of weeks.

A dry day off, at least until after choir tonight.  A bit warmer too.  I went along to the morning community session at pottery which was punctuated by a trip to the health centre for blood tests which the doc had asked for following yesterday's phone appointment.   Hopefully just ruling things out.  On returning I was asked about how I make my hand built vases so two of us sat down and each made one, the best way to learn.  We were both pleased with the results :-)

The afternoon saw more laundry on the line, following a load I had done last night.  Drying days are few and far between so far this year.  Meg had a walk, I had a little snooze.  I dropped Bella back to Jamie on my way to choir this evening.  We're singing a new song, in three part and made a great sound.  It's a different kind of singing group to the Tuesday one but almost as much fun.  

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