
By NinjaShoe

Good morning ducklings!

This was what we woke up to this morning.  The ducklings on the patio, one or two tapping on the patio doors for breakfast (we still have 11).

They are just a few days old!

It's been a gorgeous day in the garden watching the ducklings.  They seem chaotic at times wandering everywhere but the mother duck has a couple of commands - 'keep still' and, 'get in the pond' which they obey with alacrity.  We also observed her pushing the ducklings heads underwater and demonstrating an upside down move...

Daddy duck has been around but the female seems to be keeping him at wings length.  However, when Martin was cutting the lawn he was very protective, putting himself between said lawnmower and the ducklings...

Looking forward to tomorrow when Linton Jazz are playing at the Bartlow Walk, would be great to see you there.

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