
By Veronica

Bleu blanc rouge

The traditional  VE day ceremony at the war memorial. There was an extra bit today, as Serge spoke about Adrien Bringuier, a villager who one night in July 1944 had gone with some friends to a dance in the next village , in defiance of the curfew. Unfortunately a lorryload of German soldiers who had just taken a thrashing from the Résistance passed by and fired randomly at them with machine guns. It's surprising more of them weren't killed. So Serge led the way to Adrien's grave in the cemetery to put flowers on it (extra).

Then back to the village for the equally traditional apero. It was a lovely day as you can see. Later I went to collect S from the airport. His flight was half an hour late, and having seen the kilometres of stationary traffic heading seawards on the autoroute, I elected to go cross-country on the way back. Ms Google took us on an unusual route through town, visiting a couple of obscure industrial estates on the way, and we only got held up in one tailback for 5 minutes or so before peeling off across the Corbières.  We didn't mind that it took us over an hour to get home, because the views were lovely -- such fresh greens, and abundant wild flowers.

Home to a golden evening; we'll open a bottle of something fizzy later.

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