Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Mason Bee

My bee house needs to be replaced but I always have a hard time determining the best time to do that so as not to disrupt anything.  As it turns out, the Mason Bees who call our garden home have taken matters into their own legs.  They are busy depositing nectar and pollen into the tiny holes on the underside of our outdoor deck table, making a perfect place for next year's mason bees to grow and develop.  I have no issues with this because Mason Bees are solitary bees with no instinct to protect a queen or nest; therefore, it is quite difficult to get stung by one.  In fact, Jax (who usually cowers in the face of insects) made a grab at one of them today and she ended up on the deck with dog saliva on her.  I scooped her up and held her in my hand until she'd cleaned herself off.  She gave me a wave and went back about her business.  Okay, maybe she didn't wave but still...

I did a quick run through my deck for the zoom presentation I am doing tonight on Colombia.  That was such a spectacular trip!  

Last evening I was reaching up to get Jax's favorite tug toy down for a game when I turned my ankle and took a pretty spectacular tumble.  I twisted on the way down to avoid cracking my head on the coffee table and instead bashed my left shoulder and arm (which was better than my head).  Anyway, I'm fine although definitely a little sore and leaning into the ibuprofen today.  Jax, to his credit, stayed with me until I was able to haul myself up - then he grabbed his toy and wanted to have a rousing game, which I wasn't really up for...

The swallows were back briefly this morning but haven't seen them since.  I will be delighted if one of them decides set up house here, but not holding my breath.  Still, nice to see them swooping around the yard this morning.

And Little Bear was in the woods behind our house again today - Jax sent him packing. I’m so grateful we made the decision to fence party of our property as I fear that Jax would get himself into all kinds of trouble if he could chase things into the woods!


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