Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Woke up feeling much better today.

Had a good call with my young padawan and her sustainability team. They've got a big project they need to deliver in the next few weeks and they're doing a great job.

I'm all on my lonesome now, as she's off to Amsterdam for our investors conference and my head of h&s is off to London to pick an award up. I never get the glory now. Lol!

An interesting day with a few things kicking off.

Had another vaccine today, the shingles vaccine. I've got to go back in 8 weeks now to have another dose. So hopefully no side effects like I get with the COVID jabs.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Positive conversations
2.  Racking up another vaccine jab, this time shingles

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