Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Out of office

I rang my CEO this morning and booked today and tomorrow off. After last weekend's warning, I thought time to book some time off. So that is what I did.

I had a family funeral to go to today. The only time I get to see some of my family these days, or so it seems. My father took it hard as he grew up with him. I was there for him.

This was the sign at the entrance to the pub for the wake.

Popped to the doctors in the afternoon. Some poor kid was going through it, he was bawling his eyes in the doctor's room.

Caught up with my young padawan after our investor's conference. She's going to stay in Amsterdam for the weekend with her fiance.

Will have to try and get some walking done this weekend.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Booking time off
2.  Catching up with family
3.  Catching up with my young padawan

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