Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Men at Work

After yesterday's drama with the lack of air-conditioning in the car, there was no way G was doing two trips to school first thing in the morning, so she set off earlier than she needed, hoping the a/c would work (it didn't).

I didn't sleep much again, but I had to be dressed and ready for 7 AM when Sohail came for his annual service of the living room a/c. I cleared the area inside and on the balcony so he could finish ASAP and I could get my taxi to work. My blip of him and his assistant had to be taken surreptitiously. So much concentration going on!

The day at work went well, though I did feel the effect of two sleepless nights and the car a/c not working. I bit the bullet and organised a hire car, so G & I dropped our car back at the garage and then drove a Nissan Kicks home. The two ladies at the airport counter raved about this car and highly recommended it. It's OK. The best thing about it is that the a/c works!

I finished my work day, we ate dinner, and then we went out again - to the garage to drop off the cash for spare parts and for G to get used to the car as she will be using it to get to work tomorrow. She liked it!

We were both quite shattered at the end of the day.

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