Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Lazy hazy days

I kind of had a lie in this morning. I naturally woke up because it was light, but my damn alarm clock said 3am in the morning, it had reset itself during the night. So I had to get up and check the real time, it was just gone 7am.

Put together another box of books to Ziffit. I should get a fiver back.

Quiet afternoon then watching sport. Wigan Warriors got through to the Challenge Cup final after thrashing Hull KR. Warrington v Huddersfield tomorrow in the other semi-final.

Weather has been hit and miss this afternoon. One minute sunny and then the next stormy showers. Tomorrow looks the better day.

Hopefully a quiet night.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A lazy day. I think this downtime has helped me

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