
By ArcLight

The plot thickens

This is an Uber-hipster business, even by Leith standards, selling vegetable and herb seedlings to grow on in your garden. Or pots. Or allotment. Or whatever. It was good looking stuff.

It was just across the way from where we were having a coffee with meles at the market, waiting for Pie Dolly to open and start selling her wares. It was good to catch up.

Then we headed home via a couple of supermarkets, by which time it was really warm. The haar had been hanging around the market and stopping the sun getting through. Now the haar has descended completely on us as well, and it's gone quite cold. I fear it might rain.

A quiet afternoon with a bit of exercise, and some reading of fiction. And every so often I remember another app I use and which I need to get on the phone. I've done, for example, the electricity company apps this afternoon, one for here and one for Tain. Slowly but surely my mobile life is being reconstructed.

In the extras a collage of impressions of the Water of Leith, including another photograph of the newly reopened segment of Coalie Park that has been renovated.

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