
By Marionb

Yet Another....

...Backyard Bird! This time, it is one of the many blue jays that hang out in the garden making good use of the feeders. 

I may have finally run the gamut of co-operative birds willing to pose for a least until a new visitor drops by...which could possibly happen. Apparently I missed a great bird photo-op this week; my neighbour Elaine said she stood, camera-less, in her driveway the other day watching a flock of starlings attacking a hawk...Timing is everything....I may get lucky, but until then, I will start looking for some different subjects to post. 

This Victoria Day long weekend traditionally means opening cottages for the season, planting the gardens, and dragging out the deck and lawn furniture for outdoor living...I did just that and worked on my computer outside today  - what a treat. (extra) 

This weekend, for whatever reason, used to signal that it was now OK to wear white!. I still remember that "rule" from my youth... was considered a fashion faux pas to wear white before May 24th or after Labour Day. Really? Like, who said? Sort of like pink is for girls and blue is for boys? Who made that one up?  Macey's department store I think; I read that somewhere! Anyway, along with the lines "when I am old I will wear purple",  I would like to add...Now that I am old, I will wear any colour I want whenever I want, thank you very much. 

As I write this, I can hear that the fireworks have started already. This weekend calls for much celebration... because summer is almost here! 

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