Marsupium Photography

By magi


The day started with a minor disaster. It was the first all-day session of the digital health professions educator course I am taking part in which is in a slightly different place from my usual office. I decided to get there in a different way, only to find out that a train on the main West-East route which includes the bit going from Zoo to Friedrichstrasse had broken down. I decided to take a bus instead which perhaps unsurprisingly turned out to be a magical mystery tour. I got to the course 10 minutes late. I wasn't the last one to arrive. 

Today's session was really excellent. We covered basic didactics, different form of teaching and assessment. I really liked how our teacher got us to do what he was teaching. He also used lots of different techniques to keep us engaged. We spent the afternoon session outside sitting on fancy pop-up stools in the shade of some trees. As a bonus I also got to see a new view of the city.

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