it's a baby peace...


go figure - never could i be more surprised at seeing this... it was not what i had planned to blip today - yet you know how those things go - it ends up being the unexpected which ends up being highlighted - so it goes...

when i went to give some nourishment to a rather new peace lily - and noticed this brand new baby budding forth - all because i decided to try something new with it - i have another peace lily - it has not rebloomed for me in years - i could never figure out why - it's not died - it's given me lots of leafy green - but we all know flowers are wonderful to see - to relish in their fragrance and beauty - so it's been a sticking point - a bit of disppointment with me... when i began to put my little patio garden together this summer - i saw some tiny peace lily plants - appearing on their last legs - decided to give this one a home to see what i might do with it, never really thinking it would actually bloom - thought at the most, i'd end up with more stalks of green - to join the rest of my collection - but, baby - oh, baby - it's made for...


happy day.....

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