Day 7: Docked at Valencia

Today we were docked at Valencia, but stayed on board. We were almost late for breakfast!

We hung around with Albie for a bit, as there was no-one else around. We went to see movie a movie (Lincoln), but it wasn't that good, so we played the iPad instead.

Later on, we met Hannah and John, then went to fuel for a bit. That's where this photo was taken. Hannah is in the middle, John on the left, and Albie on the right.

We had a game of fetch-it next, which we barely won! A lot of running involved! I Tried to go to the teen ice skating, but I couldn't find Mum and Dad to sign the waiver, so I couldn't go. Hannah stayed with me though, as we both haven't really made friends in our own age group (15-17).

I went back to living room with Hannah for a while. We hung around with Megan and Kerry. We all Finally found out assassin targets after waiting about 4 days! Assassin is a cruise-long game that was supposed to start on day 3 or 4, where we're all given a target and have to kill them (not literally, of course!).

I got Clarine as my target, but didn't know who was going for me. I walked around the ship with Clarine for a while, feeling bad about killing her first day. Craig went back to the room. I Went around for a couple of hours, then found out Craig was my assassin!

I Finally killed Clarine in the lift with Megan as my witness. She seemed ok at first, but then got mad when we talked about it ( I promised her earlier I wasn't). Megan is trying to kill craig, who is trying to kill me! I Hung around with Megan till 12:45, then went back to room. Craig doesn't know that I know. Can't wait for tomorrow!

P.s, it's also Lynn's birthday!

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