
By tridral

Gwead bywyd

Gwead bywyd ~ The texture of life

“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
― Ernst Haas

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Rydyn ni dal ddim yn dda. Rydyn ni'n dechrau fy nhrydedd wythnos gyda rhywfath o salwch,... hefyd rydw i wedi datblygu poen yn fy ochr. Mae bywyd yn bob amser diddorol.

Cerddais i'r ceiropractydd heddiw. Gofynnais iddi hi edrych ar fy ochr boenus, a chwarae teg, gwnaeth hi rywbeth i helpu. Ar y ffordd adre roeddwn edrych ar wal tŷ lle maen nhw wedi paentio dros weadau gwahanol gydag un lliw. Roeddwn feddwl gwnaeth effaith diddorol.

Rydyn ni ail-ddechrau gwaith ar ddau lyfr . Mae'r bywyd yn brysur. Dyna wead ein bywyd (the texture of our life) ar hyn o bryd.

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We're still not well. We're starting my third week with some sort of illness,... also I've developed a pain in my side. Life is always interesting.

I went to the chiropractor today. I asked her to look at my painful side, and fair play, she did something to help. On the way home I was looking at the wall of a house where they have painted over different textures with one colour. I thought it made an interesting effect.

We are resuming work on two books. Life is busy. That is the texture of our life at the moment.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dau arwyneb, un lliw
Description (English): Two surfaces, one colour
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