Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Sour times

Because the wee man woke up earlier than normal this morning, we were able to sit down as a family and enjoy breakfast together (rather than Dad having his at work). The little fella tucked into his melon and peach while Mum and Dad helped themselves to a fine batch of muesli. After pouring on the milk, I noticed that it tasted a little sour. Admittedly it was a week past its 'best before' date but we rarely pay too much attention to those. While I tipped mine down the sink, Nikki defiantly emasculated me by eating on.

All was good until I received a panic stricken phone call around 10:30am. Like the milk, Nikki's stomach had turned. The muesli had returned and poor Nikki was caught short while out with other Mums. Oh dear.

I rushed home to take care of the wee man, while Nikki took care of herself. He could clearly tell something wasn't quite right, and seemed determined to be a good boy. Either that or he was just happy at spending more time with his Daddy during the week.

Thankfully Nikki's belly cleared up after a couple of hours so we even managed to sneak out for a family lunch before I had to return to work. All told it was quite an eventful morning.

And then there was the afternoon... Nikki experienced a poo explosion this afternoon - Ernie's thankfully! She took his nappy off but he was still going. And then she went to take him to the shower to clean him off, and he was still going. And then he weed everywhere at the same time. Today was not Nikki's day.

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