Most bad-tempered 500th blip EVAH!!

So, as if there wasn't quite enough stuff going on at the moment, today I was required to take memorable, well constructed photography.

I ushered the children down to the beach in the 30 minute window I allocated for photography today. It was windy and rainy. We blew up balloons, they were whisked away before anyone could do anything about it. Then we organised ourselves, lost a few more balloons, tried again, I took lots of photos.

Then realised that there wasnt actually a card in the camera. So we went home to get one. Daisy refused to go back to the beach so we transferred to the garden.

Then I couldn't find my memory card. The 30 minute photography was closing rapidly so I found another one. Which only holds 6 photos (really, what is the bloody point??). Took some photos, lost some more balloons, just got them to hold then, deleted photos, took one more, decided that was quite frankly good enough.

I know blipping is a great joy. Today it was a pain in the arse.

Love you lot though xx

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