
What a morning to be looking for a celebratory blip it was absolutely pouring down! A work day too but luckily the rain eased a little by lunch and of course George, Schull's resident seal wasn't in the least bit bothered about the weather and appeared to congratulate me on two years of consecutive blips, ( I like to think he was anyway)!
I can hardly believe two years have passed since freespiral introduced me to blipfoto and I still feel as enthusiastic about the photography as I did then probably more so, unfortunately I have not had as much time to engage with the wonderful blip community as I would like, maybe when the nights draw in again I'll be more active! Thanks so much to everyone who does drop by my journal and to those who leave a comment, it's very much appreciated. As always much gratitude to blip central for keeping the whole thing together.
We have started having some outings with local blippers, which have been a lot of fun and through blip I have met the very best of adventure buddies, earthdreamer, our adventures have taken me beyond West Cork and I've loved sharing images from other parts of Ireland and elsewhere.
Will I keep going? Yes of course, even though I risk some of the images when I'm at home or work being rather repetitive!

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