
By PorridgeWog


DDW's August Challenge Day 5 : Work space

Firstly, those of you who subscribe will notice that I have changed my journal name on here. I received an email from Blip admin today saying that my name "Porridge Wog" is offensive and that I had to change it. I am not happy about being forced into this. There have been nearly 16500 views of my blips and only one person has mentioned any problem with my name. Blip admin will not disclose the number of complaints about my journal name which they have had, which seems a little unfair. So if you are reading this and you have complained about my name, thanks. You are a minority and my name has been Porridge Wog for 20 years or more. No one has ever suggested my name is offensive, nor have they levelled allegations of racism against me. There are more important things in the world to get wound up about than a three letter word...

Anyway I was seriously lacking in inspiration following the email from blip, and working in the local crab processing factory wasn't really improving my mood. This is a shower tray that I ripped out this morning, ready to fit in another part of the building....

The blipper formerly known as Porridge Wog.

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