Good therapy

3years 286days

What better way to meet the post mini holiday blues than a wonderful day with my godbabies?! They arrived from Australia on Saturday and we were so chuffed to be immediately slid into their schedule. We got a full day with them. The children havent seen each other since last September. However, as always, it was as though they hadnt been apart. Katie and Max got on like always. Katie was laughing over and over at the fact they were playing with a truck that she used to ride and have max push her on when they were babies (I was simply disturbed at the fact that "when they were babies" was in fact three years ago). Little Miss Eden was not on form today thanks to horrid tonsilitis, but she tried really hard.

We went out to the soft play on the beach. Just like last year they refused to play in it, due mainly to noisy bigger kids taking the place over. Katie and Max ate a good lunch and we decided to take them on the open top bus round the Marine Drive. Katie had her first ride upstairs and loved it. We bought bread and went to Peasholm Park to feed the ducks. We learnt today that squirrels in fact do like bread. But not a full slice as thrown by Max. Katie and Max had a really great time climbing hills and boulders and charging around. they are a fabulous pair together.

After an ice lolly, we wrapped the big kids and with them safely on our backs headed back to Nannans. The children declared themselves starving and all three of them troughed a fish and chip supper. Which brought Eden round. Katie remmebered how much fun eden is. They were hilarious charging round making each other laugh and giggle.

They all had a bath together, to their amusement before running around in their bedroom and bouncing round the place. They calmed right down after jammies were on and snuggled on the sofa with nannan who made up wonderful, slightly crazy stories. They danced and played ring a roses, they swapped favourite ipad apps. They cuddled and kissed each other a lot.

A good day to finish up a fabulous long weekend with my baby.

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