In Tru Life

By TruLife

A Blipperific Wedding!

I felt totally and utterly honored to be invited to the gorgeous barn wedding of Gemma and James, mummy and daddy to Footprints made my Izzy.

I was also delighted to be able to meet up with my photog sisters Catherine of Catherine Lacey & My Boys who was being her wonderful international photographer self, and Karen of deliverbeauty, the sweet and loving person she is, just as we had done last year at the same time in London! I got to spend lots of time with my besties and party with some lovely lovely new friends and blippers!

In fact 12 blippers were at the wedding and Gemma's lovely bride's maid mentioned us in her speech! Blip has been a special place to share images, share life and connect with like minded creative souls, and it seems we had made such an impact through our computers even though Gemma had not met us she wanted to share her special day with us! I felt quite emotional thinking about that! And do you know as soon as I met her I knew she was as lovely as she always seemed through that monitor on my desk. I am so glad to now follow some other lovely blippers who I met at the wedding, and happily add them as lovely new FB friends!

So when I suggested the idea of - A blipper shooting a blipper shooting a blipper shooting a blipper shooting a blipper shooting a blipper shooting a blipper shooting the blipper bride - to the blippers I was chatting to in a pre-wedding FB group chat, I was so pleased they all though it was a good idea and it was also improved by Karen's added idea of Gemma photographing us, and then second shooter Bex who is hopefully going to join blip soon too shooting the whole shebang with her iphone! I loved how it all worked out in the end and as agreed I am to now lead you to the next in the line, the lovely mummy jeni and the beans

Follow the line to the end....

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