Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The Cleggan donkey

Off on the coast road to Galway. At least, that was the plan as the picnic was assembled, but it changed every few minutes. As we drove out we decided to go along the N59, the main road to Clifden, past the spectacular mountains again, as it was such a marvellous, billowy white cloud kind of day.

I had spotted this island with the mountains behind on the way home the other day, so I was ready for it this time, and there was a place to stop.

We went through Clifden, almost tempted to go on to Westport, but turned off to the wee coastal town of Cleggan. A harbour, a couple of pubs, and dozens and dozens of cars jam packed in every field and car park. There is a ferry to a nearby island, Inishbofin, and it seems that the whole of Connemara had gone to the island already, possibly to 'get away from it all'...

We had our picnic by the harbour - Irish soda bread, cheese and pickle sandwiches- delicious. There was the most terrible noise like some animal was being tortured nearby. When we drove out, away through the village, there was the culprit - a donkey! He started HEE HAW-ing again for no reason. I had no idea they could be so loud. I'm sure the folk in the house next to the field are charmed.

We then drove back for a poke around Clifden. This part of Ireland, indeed, all of Ireland, is famous for seafood. We thought we'd get a bit of fish or scallops to take home for tea. JR searched the town for a fish shop, while I sat in the wee town square watching the goings on - the locals just parked their car on road in the roundabout!

Would you believe it - no fish shop in town. But JR got some frozen cooked crab, which was probably a better idea anyway, in this heat. It's been the hottest day yet! NO wind, sea like glass, and a five minute shower in the afternoon.

Missed shot of the day: There was the most terrific old man, sitting outside a pub in Clifden wearing a jacket and tie (and shirt and trousers!) and a rather large flat cap, drinking a Guinness!! I really wanted to take a photo, and had worked up to asking him on the way back, but alas, he had gone! :-(

Chilled wine about to be opened, crab defrosting nicely for the salad, a glorious evening to sit and gaze out on.

Internet iffy - can't have it all.

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