Tapas anyone?

I woke up late today. It was not even technically morning anymore. I pretty much had my breakfast at lunch time. Summer has a way of making you feel like you are on vacation even when you are not. Maybe it was that chocolate I ate late in the evening or the café Americano I had late afternoon, but sleep was not happening until it was no longer night but more the wee hours of the morning. I really have to get my body clock back on schedule.
Speaking of that chocolate, we woke up this morning to see one of the small child chairs my grandchildren use with their craft table pushed up to the kitchen counter. There on counter was the bag of Dove dark chocolates. My granddaughter had obviously helped herself at some point. It amazes me how resourceful a two year old can be when they see something they want.
I watched the movie Oblivion last night with Morgan Freeman and Tom Cruise and it was visually great but it left me wondering exactly what was going on. Tonight I went to see Elysium with Matt Damon and it was good. At least I was able to follow the storyline without scratching my head.
I was on my way to the movies and I realized I had not done my photo for my blip. We were passing this local Latin Bistro with its bright red umbrella’s with people sitting outside enjoying their meal and I thought it would do the trick. I have eaten here a few times and loved it. I think I confuse people when I drive by and take a photo from the car window. I wonder if they think I’m spying on them!

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