
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Not in the Western Isles

Back in Edinburgh, out and about properly for the first time. Met my friend for lunch and then met SlyBaconshots to receive one of his prints. What a lovely person! It was a delight to meet you, SlyBacon. Thank you for your kindness.

I wanted a blip that was indicative of Edinburgh during the festivals, something to show we were no longer in the Western Isles. I thought a crowd scene, perhaps, somebody performing on the Royal Mile. And then I met this lovely woman. I thought to myself, 'she's my blip!' Crimson Skye was the loveliest gimp I've ever met and is performing in Frank Sanazi's show, Das Vegas II. Evidently he's a cross between Frank Sinatra and Hitler. Perhaps not for everyone... Don't you just love Edinburgh in August?

Went with D to see Peter James and then went with Dr T and M to see The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre. Brilliantly silly!

Definitely not in the Western Isles anymore, Dorothy.

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