
By DonnaWanna

Filterama Challege Monday

It's the third week of the Filterama Challenge organised by Hobbs and Riversider! There are some great entries, Hobbs has a list up over at his place

I haven't seen the lonely Madame Black Swan for a while so I was delighted to see her at the hidden lake this morning and thought she would be a good subject for the challenge.

I have taken the shot into an iPhone app called Reflections which just adds a total reflection of the shot onto the bottom. Then I've used a second app called Pixlromatic which has a vast array of lighting effects and different film effects.

After much fun playing around with different combinations I ended up using a film effect called Karen and a lighting effect called Devine to get this spectacular overall effect which is perhaps slightly over the top.... but why not! :))

In other news I had a call from the vet today with the results of Jakes blood tests. It's good news because he doesn't have Cushings Disease yet thank goodness, but he may be bordering upon it.

So I have to measure his water each day and see how much he is drinking as that disease causes excessive drinking and urinating :(.

But anyway all is better than we thought so I am breathing a big sigh of relief! The vet would like another blood test in 3 months and we will just be keeping our eye on it all from now on because his liver is definitely enlarged.

Happy to say Jake seems very bouncy and wanting to play and then sleep then eat whatever food is going...repeat, repeat ::)))

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