A busy summer

This is Ann's sister Sue. She's been staying with us for a few days with Jack, Kirsty & Emma. They've all spent the day on the very crowded beach and now they've left to go home.

I love having people to stay. What happens is.................. I forget we have visitors, I go on my morning walk and when I come back there's some of my favourite people sitting on the sofa, just waiting to give me cuddles and tummy tickles.

However, Sue has been having a bit of a rant today. She's been down on the beach for the last three days and says it's getting far too crowded in St Ives. She says people are building 'huge camps' first thing in the morning and are showing no consideration for other beach goers.

We've given up ranting about stuff like this. St Ives IS busy in the summer. That's life!

..................And that's why I try to go out of St Ives for my afternoon walks.

Getting excited. Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, is coming for a sleepover tomorrow night. Yay!!!

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