A journey through Zogland

By Zog


It wasn't raining today on the way to work, it was just a smir. I like that word, 'smir'. It's a very Scottish word that's also very descriptive. It's not rain, it's a fine smir. The usually excellent Mac dictionary hadn't heard of it, although Google had, but then, Google has heard of just about everything. I think it keeps a record of every time I fart. There's probably a blog or a website about it somewere. But I digress.

It was smirring this morning and it dampened my spirits even though I knew that when I went home the back of the week would have been broken. Then I saw the wee moss forest and the way it had trapped the light smirdrops and turned them into tiny lenses and my day got better.

Often it's the little things that make life liveable.


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