
By fennerpearson

Car parked

If you drive into a supermarket car park, most of the cars will be parked near the shop itself and, unless it's a particularly busy day, outlying parts of the car park will be empty. And that makes sense; if you drive to a destination, you want to park near it.

Except supermarket car parks are rarely *that* big. You can park in one of the emptier areas and walk to the shop in the time it takes to manoeuvre your way into a slot nearer the doors.

I know this. But still I like to get in the front row of the car park at Booths, as if walking an extra forty yards is going to seriously affect my schedule.

This evening the car park had about twenty or so cars in it, including this little fellow, who had been parked on his own, at a safe distance from the clumsy ballet of parking taking place in front of the supermarket.

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